Neverthirst + Nepal

What is Neverthirst?

Neverthirst is a non-profit organization that exists to serve the unreached communities around the world with fresh drinking water. Neverthirst teams up with local partners to focus on the remote and hard-to-reach places. BIS understands that clean water is essential for life, so we have partnered with Neverthirst, donating a percentage of our profits each quarter to help bring clean drinking water to the communities most in need.

This year we are focusing our efforts on the country of Nepal. Nepal is located in South Asia and is ranked 147 out of 189 countries in the world based on the UN's Human Development Index. Almost 10 million people, roughly 34% of the population, live in severe multidimensional poverty.

Never Thirst - Benefits with a purpose

Program Solutions

  • Rope Pump Wells - If the groundwater is easily accessible, Neverthirst can install rope pump wells that can pull water up to a depth of 15-20 meters.
  • Hand Pumps - If the ground water is deeper but accessible at 40 meters, Neverthirst will use a drilling rig to reach the aquifer below.
  • Solar-Powered Water Pumps - If the ground water is beyond the depth of a hand pump, Neverthirst will install a submersible pump that lifts water to the surface, powered by solar panels.
  • Rehabilitating Hand Pumps - If the community is unable to repair a broken hand pump or the water table has dropped, Neverthirst will rebuild the pump and get the water flowing again.
  • School WASH Program - The WASH system treats 200 liters of water per hour through slow sand filtration. The program includes a handwashing station, hygiene education, and latrines.
  • Gravity-Fed Systems - Neverthirst protects a natural spring source, lays underground pipes, and let's gravity deliver water into the village through community tap stands.
  • Biosand Filters - These household water filters treat contaminated water, making it safe to drink.
  • Household Toilets - Neverthirst will educate communities on reducing the spread of disease through building their own toilet.
Never Thirst - Benefits with a purpose

Clean Water Changes Lives

Over 80% of those in need of clean water reside in secluded and isolated communities. This is where the heart of Neverthirst is - bringing fresh water until all communities are served. Over 829,000 people are predicted to pass each year as a result of unclean drinking water, sanitation,  and hand hygiene. With the help of local partners, Neverthirst strives to find the most sustainable solution for each country by improving water quality. Through household filters, boring deep wells, tapping mountain springs and piping water to communities, they create an ever lasting impact, promoting sanitation and good hygiene the whole way. BIS cares about giving back and we do not take our name, Best In Serving, lightly. We are proud to partner with Neverthirst and when you choose BIS, you help us solve the world's water crisis - serving the most unreached.

Neverthirst's Mission

Neverthirst exists to bring clean and living water to unreached communities worldwide.

Learn more
Never Thirst - Benefits with a purpose
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